Monday, July 7, 2008

Najica Blitz Tactics

Category: Action, Ecchi, Panty-plethora
Episodes: 12
Year: 2001

While this anime isn't Ecchi in the conventional sense, it makes up for it in the fact that you can see the main characters underwear in pretty much every scene.

The synopsis is as follows:

Najica is an undercover agent who fronts as a perfume technician. Her mission leads her to the recovery of a human like robot. Her missions continue to involve recovering more and more of these robots as she has to come to terms with her new partner who is one of them.


I don't want to say that this anime had potential, but if the writers actually tried, I think that whatever they put together would have potential. The action wasn't the worst that I've seen, but was way below what I would expect to see in 2001. Character models felt a little dated and the dialogue tasted a little stale.

I'd give it a D-

Here's the breakdown

Animation: 6
Story: 6
Music: 6
Char. Models: 6
X Factor: 0

Score: 6

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