Monday, July 7, 2008

Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

Category: Horror, Drama, Blood, Gore, Disturbing Content, (Too scary for witty category)
Episodes: 26
Year: 2006

So... I'm a 28 year old law student at the time of this review. This anime gave me nightmares so extreme that I woke up in a cold sweat for 2 nights running. Enjoy!

The synopsis is as follows:
Hinamizawa village has a secret. The secret revolves around an incident involving a damn that was supposed to be built nearby which, if built, would have flooded the village. Due to verious circumstances, the damn couldn't be built, but a mysterious new tradition is born: every year during the wataganashi festival, 1 person dies and one person disappears. this is the story of the villagers of wataganashi.

I love that picture up top. I mean, it makes it look like this anime is all nice and fluffy, right? Maybe a little drama? Yeah... not so much. there is drama all right, but it's mostly horror. It has the kind of horror which attacks the mind. I'm not much of a horror fan, but I truly have to give a nod to the writers and artists involved in this project. Be prepared to handle a lot of actual blood and gore, but also be prepared to get that sinking feeling in your gut from the kind of horror that only words can bring.

I'd give it a well deserved A-

Here's the breakdown

Animation: 9
Story: 9
Music: 8
Char. Models: 8
X Factor: 2

Score: 9

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