Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Heroic Age

Category: Space, drama, mech(sort of), Action
Episodes: 26
Year: 2007

I'd like to start off with a little anecdote that you will get if you decide to watch this anime. About mid-way through the series I had a moment where I went "ooooh, THAT'S why they call it Heroic Age..." I assume it's a double entendre, but I missed it's second meaning for a LONG time. Feel free to post it in the comments if you do watch it, I'm sure you will figure it out.
There was nothing exceptionally refreshing or new about this anime, but I think it really accomplished what it set out to do. The story occurs in space and involves the conflict between three tribes trying to take control of the 'ultimate power' of the universe that a fourth tribe has left behind before mysteriously leaving. To this effect, the tribes have "nodos", mecha like bio creatures which are idiotically powerful and fight for their respective tribes and are bound by a contract that was given to them by that fourth tribe(the golden tribe).
The episodes were a great way to pass the time and were interesting enough that I could watch many back to back. Some of the characters were so stereotypical that I'm honestly sick of seeing them in anime, but they were necessary for plot development, so I'll forgive it.
Don't necessarily make this the next anime you HAVE to see, but if you want something light and entertaining that won't take much out of you, give it a watch.

I'd give this one a B/B-

Here's the breakdown

Animation: 8
Story: 8
Music: 7
Char. Models: 8
X Factor: 2

Score: 8.5

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